New Zealand and the Possible Use of Cluster Munitions in Syria

Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc is a supporter of the ANZ Joint Working Group on Landmines and Cluster Munitions, and took an active part in the campaigns to ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions. It remains a matter of deep concern that the USA and a few other governments have not seen fit to sign up to the two treaties.

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Fronting Up To Our Deteriorating World

A little group of us down in Otago were worried that we always seem to be fighting rear guard actions. We wanted to propose something a bit more proactive and searching. The result is this attached political appeal for people to use at candidates’ meetings etc pre-election. It is being developed further with the intention of using it as the basis for a petition to parliament.

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Taming The Debt Monster

Financial markets around the world are trying to adjust to the momentous stresses evident in the US and Europe. In NZ, economic forecasts don’t look particularly good. Debt and interest payments will increase as a result of more borrowing, but the borrowing will allow economic growth and that is what we all want, isn’t it?

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Fukushima Nuclear Power Station

The committee and members of Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc extend their commiserations to the Japanese people and government in regard to the ongoing nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. We wish to record our concern in regard to two matters.

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