Recent event: Climate Change Modelling

VIDEO COMING SOON. ESR President Jeff Foley spoke at ESR’s June webinar. Jeff gave an update of his work on climate change modelling on Wednesday 26 June at 7.30 pm.

He developed his own global warming model in 2016, and presented it to ESR in 2017. In his spare time he has been updating and improving the work – splitting the model into three: Greenhouse Heating, Ocean Warming, and Polar Ice Melt. He intends to present the sound engineering principles behind the three models, along with Milankovitch Cycle cooling.

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Watch video: Improving safety with a vehicular internet of things

At least one New Zealander is killed and seven people are injured in road crashes every day. This presentation by Dr William Liu looks at how emerging ‘Vehicular Internet of Things’ technology could be used as a part of government strategies to reduce road deaths and serious injuries by 40% by 2030, compared with 2018.

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