Watch video: Drone technology and its impacts on society

Hear Dr Karl Stol from the University of Auckland speak about drone technology. Drones have positively contributed to society by enhancing efficiency, safety, sustainability, and accessibility across various sectors. However, like many new technologies, drones come with public concerns such as privacy and airspace congestion. This presentation introduces emerging drone technology and explores its role in balancing societal benefits and mitigating negative impacts.

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Watch video: Improving safety with a vehicular internet of things

At least one New Zealander is killed and seven people are injured in road crashes every day. This presentation by Dr William Liu looks at how emerging ‘Vehicular Internet of Things’ technology could be used as a part of government strategies to reduce road deaths and serious injuries by 40% by 2030, compared with 2018.

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Submission On The Government Policy Statement On Land Transport 2024

This submission provides feedback on the draft Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS 2024). GPS 2024 outlines the government’s land transport investment strategy over the next 10 years, the funding available, and where funding should be directed to deliver on this strategy. Our submission provides feedback on the new strategic priorities, identifies inconsistencies which conflict with the stated intent, identifies items that are missing from the policy statement, and items that we support.

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Auckland’s Transport System for a Fast-Changing World

Ross Rutherford gave his personal perspective on the planning and development of Auckland’s transport system to better equip Auckland to be a successful 21st century world city. He identified changes needed in current thinking, planning and funding to meet present and future challenges. These include making better use of the existing transport network, and better preparing Auckland for a future where fossil fuels prices reflect carbon emissions and sustainability is once again a prime objective.

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Submission to the Auckland Council on Transport

In ESR’s opinion, the Auckland Plan discussion document does not provide a clear or convincing description of the city’s transport options, and it does not adequately address the linkage between the nature and location of future land use development and the transport option selected.

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Submission on the Draft 2018 GPS on Land Transport

ESR is pleased to see a move away from excessive reliance on road construction towards an approach which places more emphasis on investment in public transport, walking and cycling and supports more efficient land use development less reliant on travel by car.

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Submission on the Auckland Land Transport Plan 2021-2031

Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc. is of the firm view that the Draft Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 – 2031 (Draft ARLTP 2021) should be put on hold and revised when the Central Government has developed clear climate change policies and interim targets following finalisation of the Climate Change Commission’s Draft Advice for Consultation.

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