Engineers For Social Responsibility

Who we are

Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc.

We are an independent group of engineers who consider that being knowledgeable in the field of technology means that they also have a special obligation to the public at large.

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Upcoming event: A perspective on New Zealand’s climate change policies The policy problem of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is not simple. For most people the official numbers are confusing and the policy architecture is obscure. Speaker Geoff Bertram will try to get both of those into perspective and to shine a spotlight on Aotearoa/New Zealand’s Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement, focusing… Find Out More
Recent event: Climate Change Modelling VIDEO COMING SOON. ESR President Jeff Foley spoke at ESR’s June webinar. Jeff gave an update of his work on climate change modelling on Wednesday 26 June at 7.30 pm. He developed his own global warming model in 2016, and presented it to ESR in 2017. In his spare time he has been updating and… Find Out More
Watch video: Drone technology and its impacts on society Hear Dr Karl Stol from the University of Auckland speak about drone technology. Drones have positively contributed to society by enhancing efficiency, safety, sustainability, and accessibility across various sectors. However, like many new technologies, drones come with public concerns such as privacy and airspace congestion. This presentation introduces emerging drone technology and explores its role… Find Out More


From time to time ESR makes submissions to Local Bodies or to Government, on issues of concern. These submissions are listed here and can be accessed for perusal.

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Position Papers

From time to time ESR prepares Position Papers which state ESR’s viewpoints, with the intention of providing useful guidance on particular topics. Information in this section of the ESR website is presented in good faith, having been checked and reviewed for accuracy and fairness.

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We publish a Newsletter from time to time, with news of ESR activities, articles and discussion on topics of interest.

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Climate Fact Sheets

Engineers for Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Energy Forum are concerned about the consequences of human-induced climate change and global warming and the need for widespread understanding of the facts and underlying science. Our combined organisations have prepared a series of discussion sheets and further papers will be published soon. Each paper is peer reviewed by top professionals with specialist knowledge about the topic being described.

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