Engineers For Social Responsibility

Who we are

Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc.

We are an independent group of engineers who consider that being knowledgeable in the field of technology means that they also have a special obligation to the public at large.

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Watch video: Presentation of ESR’s submission on the Second Emissions Reduction Plan Watch a video summary of ESR’s submission to the consultation document “New Zealand’s second emissions reduction plan”, presented by two of its authors, Professor Emeritus Thomas Neitzert and Dr Peter Whitmore. The presentation is followed by a Q&A session and a discussion of next steps. Find Out More
Watch video: Kia matāra ki te taiao – Consider the environment The purpose of this webinar series is to showcase some of the best initiatives that are being made by Engineering NZ's various Technical Groups to enhance the sustainability of engineering activities, with a particular focus on the urgent issue of the climate crisis. Find Out More
Opportunities for Real Transition Leadership Grant provides a perspective on the challenges facing engineering as it engages in the broader transition and climate adaptation process. He has identified a number of issues and gaps that engineers need to address. The Real Transition Leaders programme and community seeks to close these gaps, and Grant offers an overview of the programme. Find Out More


From time to time ESR makes submissions to Local Bodies or to Government, on issues of concern. These submissions are listed here and can be accessed for perusal.

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Position Papers

From time to time ESR prepares Position Papers which state ESR’s viewpoints, with the intention of providing useful guidance on particular topics. Information in this section of the ESR website is presented in good faith, having been checked and reviewed for accuracy and fairness.

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We publish a Newsletter from time to time, with news of ESR activities, articles and discussion on topics of interest.

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Climate Fact Sheets

Engineers for Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Energy Forum are concerned about the consequences of human-induced climate change and global warming and the need for widespread understanding of the facts and underlying science. Our combined organisations have prepared a series of discussion sheets and further papers will be published soon. Each paper is peer reviewed by top professionals with specialist knowledge about the topic being described.

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