Watch video: Athropocentric global warming – Part 2: The processes

ESR President Jeff Foley spoke at ESR’s webinar in June 2024, providing an update of his work on climate change modelling.
He developed his own global warming model in 2016, and presented it to ESR in 2017. In his spare time he has been updating and improving the work – splitting the model into three: greenhouse heating, ocean warming, and polar ice melt. In this presentation he summarizes the sound engineering principles behind the greenhouse heating process.

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Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

Current predictions are that global warming will likely heat up the world’s lower atmosphere between 2°C and 6°C by 2100. These temperature rises may not seem significant, but for some components of earth/ocean systems, they have huge implications. One of these is the effect on the world’s oceans and land-based ice reservoirs that will cause accelerating sea-level rise.

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Climate Change – Living in a Warmer World

Planet Earth has experienced large shifts in climate over time. In the depths of the last Ice Age, around 20,000 years ago, average temperatures were about 5°C lower than they are today. It looks now as though global warming is likely to heat up the world between 2 and 6°C by the year 2100.

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