Letter to Engineering Insight Magazine

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity. The negative effects particularly affect developing countries and are only beginning to be felt. They will increase greatly over coming decades unless we all accept our responsibilities and substantially reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

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Submission to the Government on the ETS

Moving to a charging system for emissions that is simpler, fairer, more transparent, more effective and involves lower administration costs, for example a standard carbon charge payable to the government that applies to all New Zealand-based emissions.

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Submission on the Draft 2018 GPS on Land Transport

ESR is pleased to see a move away from excessive reliance on road construction towards an approach which places more emphasis on investment in public transport, walking and cycling and supports more efficient land use development less reliant on travel by car.

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Submission on the Proposed Zero Carbon Bill

Even though the importance of controlling global warming has become increasingly clear and more widely understood over the past 30 years, to date we have not set meaningful targets to significantly reduce emissions and we have not had any mechanisms in place that seem to have had any significant effect on driving reductions in emissions. Hence our net emissions have just continued to increase through most of this period.

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Submission to the Process Heat in New Zealand: Opportunities and Barriers to Lowering Emissions

While the Process Heat in NZ report covers a lot of useful points, and while a few organisations have already achieved significant reductions in their emissions, for many others fossil fuels remain the simplest, lease expensive and best understood option to provide heat. Moving away from them would require capital funding, installation of new equipment and processes, and the expertise to achieve this. If the carbon price were sufficient to drive change, then this change would happen.

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