April 2024


This newsletter starts with something different, namely translation of an interview with Jens Beckert, Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and Professor of Sociology in Cologne.

On the brighter side, it also includes a number of items on positive actions that are helping improve people’s lives, and on technologies that can, or have the potential to contribute to reducing future emissions.



  1. Introduction
  2. “How can we just go on living like this, even though we have known for three decades what is threatening us?”
  3. Ocean heating 2023
  4. Our reliance on fossil fuels
  5. “Plastics producers have deceived the public about recycling”
  6. How Burkina Faso builds schools that stay cool in 40C heat
  7. The African tree-planting project making a difference
  8. The ‘15-minute city’ has taken off in Paris
  9. UNSW team creates synthetic methane using only sunlight
  10. Printed solar cells
  11. Acqueous metal-ion batteries
  12. Energy storage using salt, air and bricks

Click on the "Open in PDF viewer" button above to read the full newsletter.

July 2016
February 2024