Submission to the Process Heat in New Zealand: Opportunities and Barriers to Lowering Emissions

While the Process Heat in NZ report covers a lot of useful points, and while a few organisations have already achieved significant reductions in their emissions, for many others fossil fuels remain the simplest, lease expensive and best understood option to provide heat. Moving away from them would require capital funding, installation of new equipment and processes, and the expertise to achieve this. If the carbon price were sufficient to drive change, then this change would happen.

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Submission to Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment on the Building for Climate Change Framework

As a group of professional engineers, Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc strongly endorses MBIE’s commitment to meet the government’s Carbon Zero targets by 2050, and the implementation of changes to our Building Consent regulations that will improve operational efficiencies and reduce lifecycle carbon emissions from New Zealand’s building stock.

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Submission on the Auckland Land Transport Plan 2021-2031

Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc. is of the firm view that the Draft Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan 2021 – 2031 (Draft ARLTP 2021) should be put on hold and revised when the Central Government has developed clear climate change policies and interim targets following finalisation of the Climate Change Commission’s Draft Advice for Consultation.

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Submission To: Climate Action For Aotearoa

Although the need for action to limit climate change has been well understood since at least 1990, global CO2e emissions have continued to increase strongly over the past 30 years and only now is the rate of increase showing some signs of deceleration. It has become very clear that, in order to avoid potentially disastrous consequences, we need to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The Paris Agreement, which came into force on 4 November 2016, was a step forward in addressing this very major challenge, but the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted so far are not nearly adequate to meet the target.

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Building For Climate Change

As a group of professional engineers, Engineers for Social Responsibility (ESR) strongly endorse MBIE’s commitment to meet the government’s Carbon Zero targets by 2050, and the implementation of changes to our Building Consent regulations that will improve operational efficiency and reduce lifecycle carbon emissions from New Zealand’s building stock.

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Getting New Zealand Moving

We endorse the crucial role of the Climate Change Commission in informing government policy, and the principles for investment outlined in their letter dated 7 April, 2020. To complement this advice, we would also like to draw your attention to the following risks and opportunities.

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