Upcoming event: Global Association for Transition Engineering – Convergence 2024

Are you ready to redefine engineering for the next decade?
Convergence 2024 is your platform to engage with global leaders and peers on the future of Transition Engineering.
Learn about innovations that are setting new standards in sustainability.
This is an online only event which will be held on Thursday 14th November 2024, from 8pm NZT (7am UK time).
Sign up for this free event now at https://gate.wildapricot.org/
What is Convergence 2024?
Convergence 2024 is an opportunity to meet with Transition Engineering pioneers, practitioners and champions from around the world.
Engineering practitioners and those with an interest in sustainability and innovation will learn about the latest developments in the field of Transition Engineering.
Building on key insights from Energy Systems Engineering, all attendees will gain insights on how this emerging interdisciplinary field can help to deliver reductions in the carbon footprint of engineered systems.
Why Convergence?
Whether you are a seasoned expert or a new entrant into the field of Transition Engineering, Convergence 2024 offers valuable insights and opportunities to advance both personal and collective goals in energy transition, sustainability and innovation.
Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and engaged at Convergence 2024
Engineers for Social Responsibility has been a strong supporter of Transition Engineering over the last 10 years, and we wholeheartedly commend the Convergence as an opportunity to contribute your ideas and insights to the ongoing growth of the movement.
The convergence of different ideas, groups, or societies is the process by which they stop being different and become more similar.
Downshifting unsustainability requires convergence.
About the Global Association for Transition Engineering
For more information about GATE, we encourage you to visit their website: https://www.transitionengineering.org/home
Even better, download the book "Transition Engineering - Building a Sustainable Future" here!