Watch video: A perspective on New Zealand’s climate change policies
Event details
Presentation to Engineers for Social Responsibility 24 July 2024 by Geoff Bertram, School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, Victoria University of Wellington
The policy problem of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 is not simple. For most people the official numbers are confusing and the policy architecture is obscure. The talk will try to get both of those into perspective and to shine a spotlight on Aotearoa/New Zealand’s Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement, focusing in particular on the accounting procedures that New Zealand has used to over-state its performance since 1990.
About the speaker
Geoff Bertram has held a variety of research and academic positions over recent decades, including a recent role as Senior Associate at the Institute of Policy Studies at Victoria University. Geoff’s broad research areas include climate change policy, environmental economics, income and wealth distribution, and small island economies. He has over 100 publications including more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and book chapters.