April 2020

– The new normal: A changed transport and land use future following Covid-19
– Stone: A new sustainable product?
– How Helsinki and Oslo cut pedestrian deaths to zero
– Greenland’s melting ice raised global sea levels by 2.2 mm in two months
– Tropical forests losing their ability to absorb carbon
– Electric cars produce less CO2 than petrol vehicles, study confirms
– Scientists create mutant enzyme that recycles plastic bottles in hours

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September 2019

-Ways to cool buildings down with less or even no AC
– BioFuels Update
– Plastic Recycling is a myth: what really happens to your rubbish
– Plastic back into oils, Australia and NZ
– Global renewable energy initiative aims to bring a billion people in from the dark

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June 2019

– New Zealand greenhouse gas emmissions
– Electric buses
– Electric cars
– Electric highway for trucks in Germany
– Rail freight electrification
– Light Rail
– EU livestock farm subsidies

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April 2019

– Stop trying to solve traffic and start building great places
– Accelerating Urgent Action in Urgent times
– More environmentally friendly architecture
– Concrete
– These wooden buildings are high rises
– Superadobe
– 20 Years since the Landmine Ban Treaty came into force

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February 2019

– Applying technology to stave off climate change
– The inconvenient truth about carbon capture
– The carbon-capture era may finally be starting
– UK carbon capture project begins
– Carbon capture facilities (source from company websites)
– New plant-focussed diet would ‘transform’ plant’s future, say scientists
– A third of Himalayan ice-cap doomed
– Environment in multiple crises – report

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September 2018

– Recycling, Germany
– Hydrogen fuel cells
– Electric scooters and motorbikes, Taiwan
– Biofuels for transport; tracking progress
– Global energy goal progress
– California clean energy law
– CO2 level at Mauna Loa update
– Seal level rise accelerating
– Landmines and Cluster Weapons

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June 2018

– The new food: meet the startups racing to reinvent the meal
– UN data suggests that the world’s population will hit 11 billion by 2100
– Climate change to drive migration from island homes sooner than thought
– New technology could slash carbon emissions from aluminium production
– California’s global warming solutions
– Netherlands to build world’s first habitable 3D printed houses
– World’s first electrified road for charging vehicles opens in Sweden
– Auckland University of Technology’s comments on the Low-emissions economy draft
report by the New Zealand Productivity Commission
– ESR papers available on-line

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February 2018

– ‘Silver bullet’ to suck CO2 from air and halt climate change ruled out.
– Climeworks Carbon Capture Plants
– Carbfix
– Aviation Biofuels & Shipping Emissions
– Electric Vehicles
– New York City’s Fossil Fuel Divestment
– Emissions, Road User Charges and EVs – A Strategy: by ESR Member Cliff Turner
– Extracts from UNFOLD ZERO Newsletter, 25 February 2018
– Comment from the President: What can we do about Auckland’s recycling efforts?
– ESR 15 March AGM Notice. The AGM is to be followed by discussions by Sir Alan Mark and Rhys Williams on a Carbon Zero Act.

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November 2017

– Trends that could beat global warming
– World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice
– Light rail along Dominion Road, Auckland
– Do we want to get serious about NZ’s CO2 emissions from transport?
– The US will become a net oil exporter within 10 years, says the IEA
– New Zealand climate data
– Wise Response submission to Productivity Commission

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October 2017

– Sea level rise
– Floods
– Big Carbon
– NOAA Global CO2 June 2017
– Emission budget and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 C
– NASA: 2016 Global Temperature Increase 0.99C relative to 1951-1980 Average
– Electric Cars
– Global carbon emissions stood still in 2016
– Solar Power is Fastest Growing Source of New Energy

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