June 2018

– The new food: meet the startups racing to reinvent the meal
– UN data suggests that the world’s population will hit 11 billion by 2100
– Climate change to drive migration from island homes sooner than thought
– New technology could slash carbon emissions from aluminium production
– California’s global warming solutions
– Netherlands to build world’s first habitable 3D printed houses
– World’s first electrified road for charging vehicles opens in Sweden
– Auckland University of Technology’s comments on the Low-emissions economy draft
report by the New Zealand Productivity Commission
– ESR papers available on-line

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Climate Change And The Long Term Plan

In the wake of recent coastal storm damage, it is surely now clear that councils need to take account of climate change in their planning, especially as it relates to sea-level rise and the frequency of severe storms. A recently-published study* shows that the pace of sea-level rise is increasing.

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February 2018

– ‘Silver bullet’ to suck CO2 from air and halt climate change ruled out.
– Climeworks Carbon Capture Plants
– Carbfix
– Aviation Biofuels & Shipping Emissions
– Electric Vehicles
– New York City’s Fossil Fuel Divestment
– Emissions, Road User Charges and EVs – A Strategy: by ESR Member Cliff Turner
– Extracts from UNFOLD ZERO Newsletter, 25 February 2018
– Comment from the President: What can we do about Auckland’s recycling efforts?
– ESR 15 March AGM Notice. The AGM is to be followed by discussions by Sir Alan Mark and Rhys Williams on a Carbon Zero Act.

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November 2017

– Trends that could beat global warming
– World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice
– Light rail along Dominion Road, Auckland
– Do we want to get serious about NZ’s CO2 emissions from transport?
– The US will become a net oil exporter within 10 years, says the IEA
– New Zealand climate data
– Wise Response submission to Productivity Commission

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October 2017

– Sea level rise
– Floods
– Big Carbon
– NOAA Global CO2 June 2017
– Emission budget and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 C
– NASA: 2016 Global Temperature Increase 0.99C relative to 1951-1980 Average
– Electric Cars
– Global carbon emissions stood still in 2016
– Solar Power is Fastest Growing Source of New Energy

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July 2017

– Extracts from “We are wasting the beautiful world we have been given”
– Extracts from Clive Hamilton’s “Defiant Earth: The fate of humans in the Anthropocene”
– Plastic Waste
– Extracts from Skating on Thin Ice, Economist 29 April 2017
– Generation Zero Launches Climate Act Initiative – NZ Climate Declaration
– North Island Main Trunk Line de-electrification

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January 2017

– Comment on moves towards reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
– The warming Arctic
– US Energy Production
– Traditional car industry and climate change
– Indian Firm makes carbon capture break-through
– To deal with climate change we need a new financial system
– (Un)Natural disasters: communicating linkages between extreme events and climate change
– This is not normal – Climate researchers take to the streets to protect science
– Nuclear weapons
– UN moves towards a ban on nuclear weapons

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September 2016

– A new type of politics could help prevent climate disaster
– G20 will blow the Paris climate targets – report
– Soaring ocean temperature is “greatest hidden challenge of our generation”
– The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age
– Letter from UN Assn NZ requesting help on implementation of the goals and targets of UN Sustainable Development Goals
– Meeting Notice for ESR in Auckland on 20 October 2016

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July 2016

– New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions
– Global warming is already having major impacts
– What would a global increase of 1.5 C be like?
– Can we reduce CO2 emissions and grow the global economy?
– Electric vehicles
– Auckland Climate Change Forum Scoping meeting
– Carbon capture and storage
– Urban sprawl
– ESR Climate Change Papers update
– Engineers Without Borders annual conference

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New Zealand and the Possible Use of Cluster Munitions in Syria

Engineers for Social Responsibility Inc is a supporter of the ANZ Joint Working Group on Landmines and Cluster Munitions, and took an active part in the campaigns to ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions. It remains a matter of deep concern that the USA and a few other governments have not seen fit to sign up to the two treaties.

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