Watch video: The path to net-zero carbon concrete by 2050

Introducing the Roadmap to Net-Zero Carbon

For the past two years Concrete NZ have been developing their “Roadmap to Net-Zero Carbon for Aotearoa New Zealand’s Concrete Industry”. This journey will form the basis of Ralf’s presentation. Building on past and current initiatives, the map covers both ready-mixed concrete and concrete products to involve all of the major parties in the value chain, including manufacturers, producers, designers and constructors. The Roadmap aims to reduce the Concrete Industry’s greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050, in line with the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019. It builds on global concrete industry efforts towards net zero carbon  emissions. The Roadmap was funded by Concrete NZ, MBIE’s Building Innovation Partnership, and BRANZ through the Building Research Levy, and was launched in August 2023.

About Concrete NZ

Concrete NZ was formed in 2017 as a single consolidated association to represent the concrete industry of New Zealand, with mission to position concrete as the construction material of choice for a modern and resilient nation.


About the speaker

Ralf Kessel is the Head of Architecture at Concrete NZ and registered as an architect with the NZIA, AK Berlin and ARB UK. Ralf joined the Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand (CCANZ) – now Concrete NZ – as a project manager in March 2009. While at CCANZ Ralf has authored the CCANZ Code of Practice for Weathertight Concrete and Concrete Masonry Construction (cited as New Zealand Building Code Clause E2/AS3), the CCANZ Apartment Design Guide and Basement Design Guide and several other design and practice guides. Ralf is also the convener of the Sustainability Committee, established in May 2019.


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